Thursday, May 23, 2013

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Parcel bombs

There was an incident with parcel and envelope explosives that were mailed to embassies which is very suspect. These explosive devices had very small explosive power - they were more intended to make a fuzz or make headlines in international press. There was no real danger involved for mass destruction or mass killing... these devices could only cause slight to medium injuries, so the question is why did these 2 guys who were caught do that? My opinion is that these greek anarchist cells are probably controlled by foreign secret services, as one other anarchists (now jailed) recently claimed... He said in an interview that he saw no support for bombing the jewish embassy and that the other anarchists essentially turned him in / betrayed him as they are controlled.

The reason for controlling these anarchist cells is to use them in order to create headlines of worldwide terror. I dont consider it a co-incidence that parcel-related-terrorism was claimed in both Yemen and Greece (european soil - after many warnings that there will be terrorism in Europe) in so close proximity. It is very possible that something very big is being prepared for the masses for the next few days.