Monday, August 12, 2013
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Getting The Most Productivity Is Easy With Custom Software Development Houston
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Getting The Most Productivity Is Easy With Custom Software Development Houston
By Christi Larsen
The only thing which remains constant in the business world is the advent of change, though some are more dramatic than others. The last century saw a series of complex and progressive capabilities came together in the form of a new technology; the computer. This revolutionized has changed the the business world, and now companies who desire greater productivity turn to innovative solutions such as those from custom software development Houston.
It has been only half a century since the first monochromatic screens displayed what we now consider primitive computer functions. But in short order the magnitude of the capabilities these new computers offered were felt across the business world. As new versions of instruction format were conceived and brought to the market, everything changed. The humble spreadsheet may have been responsible for the global penetration of information systems.
Who exactly devised the first computing device remains up for discussion, with a number of approaches all worthy of credit, as the information systems devices we use today have features common to many of the initial efforts from many differing approaches. One thing that is relevant, if not critical, to the worldwide deployment of this device is a widespread usefulness. The humble spreadsheet, may well be responsible for the proliferation and growth of what is now a computer industry.
What made the information systems capability so widespread was its application to business. With the addition of spreadsheet functions, it became a much sought after if not invaluable aid to entrepreneurs everywhere. Not only could it handle any number of simple arithmetic equations simply, quickly and flawlessly, it provide the ability to experiment with options and predict future possibilities mathematically and quickly.
The next natural challenge for automation involved the written word, as documents control global enterprise. Instead of armies of clerical staff, the word processing program allowed for the efficient documentation of business efforts in a fraction of the time it once took. Changes could be floated, evaluated approved and made to documents before the first set of words was committed to print.
In time, of course, the entire notion of the typewriter became obsolete, replaced by a more comprehensive, user friendly and manpower reducing process. The solution was the word processing program, which the user with far more options than the most sophisticated typewriter could. Additions such as the ability to automatically check for spelling and grammatical errors domed the typewriter to the dustbin of history.
Once the majority of devices and processes used to conduct the operation of business had been changes, the next step was globalization, the result of the creation of the World Wide Web. In a remarkable short time span, the notion of time zones and distance became nearly irrelevant to the conduct of global enterprise. The world became a manageable space for those technologically sophisticated enough to handle supply chains large enough and international relationships complex enough to act across the world market.
The computer is, for the time being, an absolute necessity for any business regardless the product or service. But merely having computers is no guarantee for success, they are tools with a nearly endless potential for progress. But to make the leap from the ordinary to the extraordinary will likely require the expertise of experts who provide custom software development Houston.
It has been only half a century since the first monochromatic screens displayed what we now consider primitive computer functions. But in short order the magnitude of the capabilities these new computers offered were felt across the business world. As new versions of instruction format were conceived and brought to the market, everything changed. The humble spreadsheet may have been responsible for the global penetration of information systems.
Who exactly devised the first computing device remains up for discussion, with a number of approaches all worthy of credit, as the information systems devices we use today have features common to many of the initial efforts from many differing approaches. One thing that is relevant, if not critical, to the worldwide deployment of this device is a widespread usefulness. The humble spreadsheet, may well be responsible for the proliferation and growth of what is now a computer industry.
What made the information systems capability so widespread was its application to business. With the addition of spreadsheet functions, it became a much sought after if not invaluable aid to entrepreneurs everywhere. Not only could it handle any number of simple arithmetic equations simply, quickly and flawlessly, it provide the ability to experiment with options and predict future possibilities mathematically and quickly.
The next natural challenge for automation involved the written word, as documents control global enterprise. Instead of armies of clerical staff, the word processing program allowed for the efficient documentation of business efforts in a fraction of the time it once took. Changes could be floated, evaluated approved and made to documents before the first set of words was committed to print.
In time, of course, the entire notion of the typewriter became obsolete, replaced by a more comprehensive, user friendly and manpower reducing process. The solution was the word processing program, which the user with far more options than the most sophisticated typewriter could. Additions such as the ability to automatically check for spelling and grammatical errors domed the typewriter to the dustbin of history.
Once the majority of devices and processes used to conduct the operation of business had been changes, the next step was globalization, the result of the creation of the World Wide Web. In a remarkable short time span, the notion of time zones and distance became nearly irrelevant to the conduct of global enterprise. The world became a manageable space for those technologically sophisticated enough to handle supply chains large enough and international relationships complex enough to act across the world market.
The computer is, for the time being, an absolute necessity for any business regardless the product or service. But merely having computers is no guarantee for success, they are tools with a nearly endless potential for progress. But to make the leap from the ordinary to the extraordinary will likely require the expertise of experts who provide custom software development Houston.
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