Thursday, January 30, 2014

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Papandreou on TV

George Papandreou went tonight on a channel-wide TV interview in order to indirectly threaten the people with elections, instability and bankruptcy if the people do not elect his local government representatives (so as to show signs of support).

Local elections (which will be held in November) have taken a significant anti-memorandum (the IMF+EU memorandum) color... people are expected to demonstrate their dislike towards this memorandum through choosing alternate candidates than those supported by the governing party. Thus Papandreous power will be in question if the numbers are hugely against him.

The interview turned up as a fiasco for him because he was mostly unable to answer questions in a straight manner. Needless to say that even indirect answers are hard to believe since he has repeatedly lied to the public. After the interview, it is now ensured, more than ever, that people will oppose the government in the next local representatives elections.