Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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The government is playing its last cards False flag terrorist attacks!

Yesterday, an explosive device with a time trigger was discovered on a train of Athens subway. Its time trigger was set so that the hit would create significant casualties.

Actions like these are directly related to the establishment trying to keep itself in a position of control by creating instability and chaos. This would allow the political powers (who have nearly no political legitimacy and huge dissent against them) to activate special provisions of the Constitution in order to decrease individual liberties, increase censorship, eliminate expressions of dissent and, ultimately, increase their authoritarian powers.

There have been three efforts to kill people through supposed acts of anti-authoritarian people. The first was on the demonstrations of 12th February when buildings were burned. The second was a few days ago when bank ATMs where set on fire. These ATMs where located on the ground level of multi-story buildings with many people living on those buildings. Now we have the subway attack - aimed directly at people.

It is "interesting" that all the so called anti-authoritarian attacks do not target authority like politicians but rather private buildings and people. This makes it extremely easy to understand what this is all about: Inside job / acts of provocation that will then be used as justification for activating the dictatorial provisions of the Constitution. Something like a Greek 9/11 so to speak, but on a smaller scale, and with many "destabilizing" incidents.

The establishment is really afraid of what the people will do as the 25th of March anniversary is approaching. It has two main choices:

a) Go to elections - present the PSI deal as a success and try to frighten people to vote them again - which they wont.
b) Stay in power through these destabilizing provocations and the activation of special provisions of the Constitution.

Judging by the look of things, they are opting for (b).