Easy Loans
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Unsecured Payday Loans Looking At The Options For Those With Bad Credit
Understanding Your Options
Payday loans are designed to provide borrowers with fast access to cash (generally up to ,500) without the hassle of a credit check. These loans are guaranteed because they are based on simple criteria that most borrowers can meet. Those criteria are:
- The borrower cannot be under 18 years old.
- The borrower must show proof of residence and US citizenship.
- The borrower must have proof of an established job with steady income.
- The borrower must provide the lender with bank account information.
As long as you can meet these eligibility requirements, the opportunity to receive a fast unsecured payday loan is yours. However, there are other options to consider as well.
Can You Qualify for a Secured Loan?
Payday loans are called unsecured loans because they lack any sort of collateral security to ensure their repayment. Theore, issuing an unsecured loan of any type is a huge risk to the lender. To compensate for that risk, the lender will often charge higher rates of interest on these loans, which can make taking an unsecured loan for any length of time a rather expensive proposition.
However, if you own a home or land or even a late model truck or car utilizing the services of a secured loan can off-set a lot of those charges, even with bad credit. In the case of a secured loan, all you do is provide a lender with information about your property (this will generally include an assessment) and the amount of equity that you have in that property. He will then issue you the loan using that property as a guarantee of your repayment. As long as you make your payments without a problem, there is no issue. However, if you fail to repay your loan, the lender will have grounds to seize that property from you.
The use of property as collateral insures the loan from the lenders perspective. This will then allow you to enjoy a lower rate of interest. However, it is important to note that because of the assessment process, it takes significantly longer to receive a secured loan.
Getting a Loan with Little Time
When you are in no position to wait on your loan money, it is best to return to the no credit check option. Because of the lack of credit check, lenders are able to issue payday loans quickly. Once you provide the required information (see above) the lender can issue your loan within 24 hours. As a bonus, the lender will wire the money directly into the bank account that you provide, giving you access to your money quickly no matter where you are located.
Using online lenders will obviously speed up this process and will also give you the ability to compare the different rates and packages offered by several different lenders. Make sure that you research each company before providing them with any of your information, however, and never pay an upfront fee on a unsecured payday loan the application process should be free and easy. If its not, there are many other options available online for borrowers with bad credit.
6 month loans Provide fast cash with no cumbersome formalities
To get the approval of 6 month loans, you need to fulfill some of the eligibility criteria that are as follows:
1. The applicant should be a permanent citizen of UK 2. He needs to be an adult with eighteen years or more 3. He should be in regular employment in reputed organization. 4. Earning should be at least 1000 per month 5. The applicant should hold good repayment ability.
There will not be any issue if you are a bad creditor or do not have perfect enough credit scores. No credit check loans are free from credit checks that allow all the applicants to be benefited with these loans. Presence of CCJ, arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, foreclosures, skipped payments, late payments and so on does not affect the approval of loan. Thus, do not get embarrassed and hesitated to get the aid of this loan aid.
6 month loans are small loan aid that can be availed without pledging any collateral. In order to get approved with this loan, you need not have to bother about arranging any collateral to pledge. Moreover, the loan money that you are allowed to grab can be ranges from 100 to 1500 with easy and flexible repayment tenure of 6 months. Borrowed money can be utilized for meeting any desired purpose without any lenders intrusion. Expenses like paying off medical bills, small home repairs, credit card dues, education fee of your child, unexpected traveling expenses and so on can easily be met out.
Log in to the online financial market to access the loan deal at affordable rates. Online financial market is awash with multiple lenders that offer the deal at competitive rates. Making a caul research and comparisons between quotes will let you land up with the reasonable deal of all. Application will take few of your minutes as it just includes filling a single online application form. Funds will transfer in your checking account once you are approved.
Removing Collections That Arent Yours From Your Credit Report
Removing collections from your credit report that arent yours is a little trickier than deleting old collection accounts. Many, many, many people claim that collection agency debts arent theirs when, in fact, they are. Disputing a collection as "not mine" is the number one dispute the credit bureaus see, so dont expect to get very far there. Your goal is to convince the collection agency to delete the tradeline of its own volition.
The first thing you do is to write a letter to the company requesting the name and address of the original creditor for the account. You need that information before you begin.
Step One: Sending a Validation Request
This is nothing more than a formality. The collection agency cannot validate an account that isnt valid – but they will. Send a letter to the company, CRRR, requesting that it validate the account. Do not include any other information with your letter, such as "this account is not mine" etc. The collection agency will send you a printout containing the same basic information about the account that you see on your credit report. With any luck, some of that information is incorrect. You want this in writing. It will come in handy later.
Step Two: Calling the Collection Agency
Surprised? You should be. Im normally the first birdie to sing a warning against ever calling a collection agency. In this case, however, it can really work to your benefit. So lets face the beast head-on, shall we?

When you finally get a human being on the line, be polite. Explain your situation honestly, making sure to set yourself apart from the pack as much as possible. I recommend the following introduction:
"Hi, my name is ________. I noticed a tradeline on my credit report recently from your company requesting payment in the amount of _______. The account number for this account is _______. Would you like me to wait while you pull that up in your system?"
This shows both professionalism and kindness. Youre demonstrating those aspects first because you want them returned. Its a heck of a lot harder for a debt collector to start yelling at you about what a deadbeat you are when you start out the conversation on such a civil note. Lets continue..
"I know everyone calls and says this and its probably become so common that it makes you want to scream, (short chuckle) but this debt rightfully belongs to someone else. The name/Social Security number/address/etc. on the tradeline isnt mine. I am willing to do whatever is necessary to help straighten out the situation, both to help myself and to help your company pursue the correct debtor."
You say, "I know everyone says this" to demonstrate that you do know they hear it all the time. By pointing out that you are aware that everybody claims this but in your case its true, you set yourself apart as believable. You chuckle to mark the unpleasant humor of the situation and to add an element of humanity – humanity that you hope will be returned – to the conversation. You also note how helping you also benefits the company to give the collector additional incentive to help you.
The first thing the collector will ask for is your Social Security number. Heres how you respond:
Collector: Can I get your Social Security number please?
You: I mean you no disrespect and I want to get this situation resolved as much as you do, but try and understand my paranoia here about giving out information that can be used against me. After all, any information I give you can be used in an effort to collect the debt – even if those collection efforts are aimed at the wrong individual.
Your goal is to get the collector to tell you who to call to resolve the situation. A special number of a top supervisor, perhaps. The name and address of the person in charge would also be helpful. Any information you can glean from the collector that most debtors dont have access to will help you resolve the situation and stay out of court. Try saying this:
"My goal in calling you today is to get this situation resolved as quickly as painlessly as possible for both of us. Who do I need to talk to within your company to accomplish that?"
If the collector wont help you, call back and try again. Your odds of getting the same representative are low. Sooner or later, someone will tell you who to talk to. Do not let your voice betray any shred of frustration or anger. Unlike most customer service representatives, debt collectors arent trained to be nice at all costs. If you bite, the debt collector will bite back and any chances you had of getting the information you want will go up in smoke.
Once you get an address or e-mail address of someone in a high-ranking position within the company (get the addresses of more than one, if possible. You want to send this letter to as many people as you can) send out a letter asking for help. Im going to provide you with a sample you can tailor to your own situation. The italics in the letter are for your own clarity. Dont include those
Dear Mr./Mrs. ___________
My name is ____________. I am writing to you today with a situation youve probably encountered 1000 times, with only one or two cases out of that thousand being legitimate. I am one such legitimate case. The debt your company claims I owe isnt mine.
I discovered this debt on my credit report with an incorrect name/Social Security number/etc. I requested the name and address of the original creditor for the account and I have never held an account with _______ or I currently hold an account with _________ but it is up to date. I recently requested validation of the account and received a response containing incorrect information. This benefits me, since it proves that your company is pursuing the wrong individual for this debt. I am writing to you rather than simply moving forward with a credit bureau dispute and litigation because I am hoping we can resolve this outside of court.
I am willing to comply with any requests your company has that will prove my innocence in regards to this debt. Please understand, prior to receiving the validation response, I was hesitant to do so because I know that some collection agencies will simply replace the incorrect information with my information in an effort to collect the debt, not caring that they are pursuing the wrong person. I no longer have that fear because the validation I have in writing from your company contains the incorrect data you currently have on file and protects me in the event that data changes. It also serves as proof that the person youre looking for isnt me. Thus, exonerating me is not only beneficial to me, its also beneficial to your company since it frees you to pursue someone who will pay this debt.
Please contact me at (email address) so that we can discuss this matter further.
Your Name
I know how crazy this may sound to the die hard "Dispute-till-you-drop" camp, but I learned the hard way that collection agencies arent all fire and brimstone. Higher-ups within the company dont depend on commission to pay their bills, and theyre more likely to help you out of sheer human compassion. Given that few people anticipate this from collection agents, the trick works more than youd think.
Once upon a time I had a client whose boyfriend had a collection debt on his credit report that was actually his nephews debt. The two shared the same name and, being ignorant of the way the system normally works, he called the collection agency himself, explained the situation and asked for help. He got it. The collection agent who answered the phone directed him to another employee at the company who was willing to straighten out his file. In the end, my services werent necessary and I was delighted by my clients boyfriends success.
The point being, you might just get the help youre looking for if you ask for it.
If the Collection Agency is No Help Removing An Account That Isnt Yours
Just because the collection agency might help you, that doesnt mean its a certainty. Whether youre dealing with a genuine collection agency or a junk debt buyer makes a significant difference in whether or not you can get the negative report removed from your credit report with a few well-placed telephone calls and letters. Its much tougher to get a junk debt buyer to take you seriously because, if the account is old enough to have been sold to a junk debt buyer, then the debt collectors assume if the debt genuinely wasnt yours you would have already taken care of the problem. In addition, junk debt buyers have a lower successful collection rate that mainstream collectors because the debts they purchase are so much older. This makes them more gung-ho to collect from you, regardless of whether or not you can prove you legitimately dont owe the debt.
Time to play hardball.
Sending An Intent to Sue Letter to the Collection Agency
Remember when I mentioned that collection agencies dont want to go to court? Its normally not worth their time or the money it would cost to defend themselves from consumers – especially when they arent certain just what evidence a consumer has against them until after the discovery period.
Step Three: Sending an Intent to Sue Letter to the Collection Agency
If that collection account on your credit report isnt yours, notify the collection agency of that fact via an intent-to-sue letter. Let the collection agency know, in no uncertain terms, that the entry is incorrect and thus in violation of the FCRA because you never owed the original debt. Dont provide the company with copies of any evidence you have against them. Dont provide anything. You dont want to inadvertently give collectors legal ammunition that can be manipulated and later used against you in court. Just write the letter and point out the following:
- The account isnt yours and was placed on your credit file by mistake.
- You never had an account with the original creditor and you can prove it.
- You can prove that the entry on your credit report contains information that indicates the debt is owed by someone other than you.
- Reporting incorrect information to the credit bureaus is illegal.
- You have the right to sue under the FCRA and you intend to do so unless the entry is immediately removed from your credit report.
And then you wait. With any luck, one intent to sue letter will be enough to convince the collection agency that you mean business and it will delete its negative entry from your credit report.
If the Collection Agency Doesnt Fix Your Credit Report
If threatening to sue the collection agency isnt enough to set a fire under them and get the entry deleted from your credit report, its time to dispute the entry with the credit bureaus. Unfortunately, this is little more than a formality. The credit bureaus validation process is little more than contacting the collection agency with a, "Hey guys, is this correct? It is? Okay thanks." But youll need to prove in court that the collector violated the FCRA knowingly. That means notifying the collector that the information is incorrect before you contest it with the credit bureaus. When the collection agency validates the information as correct, that proves that the company violated the FCRA by knowingly validating an incorrect entry.
And theres always a chance that the entry will get removed. You just never know. Its worth a shot. When the credit bureaus validate the collection that isnt yours on your credit report, its time to take the fight to the courts and sue the collection agency. You could also try the "one-two punch" but Ill write more on that later. For the time being, Im exhausted and this post is long enough as it is. Theres so much information to include. *sigh* Ah well, such is the purpose of a blog. Bit by bit, well get there.
Monday, April 14, 2014
No Credit Check Military Loans Are Available With Instant Approval
For anyone in need of an injection of funds, there is a multitude of loan options out there. When it comes to members of the military, the situation is slightly better, and it is possible to get no credit check military loans approved virtually immediately.
These loans can prove to be a financial lifesaver, but there are some conditions that must be accepted. These conditions relate principally to the limited size of the loan and its term, with a 3-month pay back term typical of such agreements. These factors can affect the total loan sum to be repaid.
However, the advantages in getting a small military loan approved so immediately are clear. But looking at the entire picture, including the small details that are often overlooked, is important in every financial deal.
Loan Limits and Terms
It would be tempting to believe that no credit check military loans are the answer to all financial difficulties that members of the military face. But the truth is that such loans are limited in their size. Most range between $100 to $1,500, which makes them ideal to handle unexpected financial pressures, but not clear large debts.
What is more, the interest rate that is charged is usually much higher than with normal loans, with some lenders charging as much as 30%. The period of time required to repay the loan in full is also quite short. A 3-month pay back term is quite common, and while this means that the actual sum of interest repaid is low, it still places real pressure on the borrower.
This is because, with a $1,500 loan at 30% interest, the total to be repaid is $1,950, making each monthly repayment $650. This is a lot to take out of a monthly paycheck when in financial difficulty. The good news, however, is that military loan deals generally have better terms than civilian loans.
How This Is Possible
The reason a no credit check military loan has better terms than a civilian loan in the same category is the level of security that comes with being paid by the government. Members of the military are assured of an income because the US government is not the same as a business, which might suddenly cease to trade or introduce cost-cutting measures that result in redundancies.
Lenders who offer a 3-month pay back term insist on an automatic repayment schedule direct from the bank account of the borrower. This means that as soon as a salary is deposited into the account, the lender can withdraw the agreed monthly sum. This means that repayments cannot be missed.
The security of the source of income also means that the interest charged on a military loan can be lower, since the risk is so much less. And with so much in favor of this deal, lenders do not hesitate in approving an application - making approval practically immediate.
Basic Criteria To Meet
But, that is not to say there are no basic criteria to meet. Even for no credit check military loans, applicants must qualify and failure to do so means they cannot hope to be approved.
First and foremost, the applicant must be over 18 years of age and be a member of the US military. They must also have a working bank account from which to withdraw monthly repayments as per the 3-month pay back terms.
And remember, repaying these military loans in full on time will see credit ratings improve, while failure to repay will result in a worsened credit history.
Credit Repair Before Or After
In order to understand what follows it is important to give a general idea of what debt consolidation and credit repair effects are. Both a debt consolidation and credit repair process have implications on each other and thus a correct combination of both in terms of time and opportunity can produce the best outcome and achieve the most advantageous results which is what everyone wants when undertaking such processes.
Debt Consolidation Effects
Debt consolidation produces several effects that can alter a credit repair process. For starters, depending on the strategy used, the amount of creditors may be reduced. If the process implies a debt consolidation loan which is used to repay all or the majority of the outstanding debt, then, all the creditors (or most of them) will be replaced by the new lender and thus, though some entries on your report may remain, from now on, you have a fresh start on your credit history.
If a debt consolidation loan is not the way to go, debt consolidation will imply only negotiations with current creditors to reduce debt and agree new repayment programs. Debt consolidation when it implies negotiation can also include the removal of negative entries on the credit report. In any case, the debt reduction alone will improve your credit score and history. However, certain debt consolidation agencies chose to default on several loans and lines of credit prior to negotiations in order to obtain better results and this implies new bad entries on your credit report.
Credit Repair Programs Effects
Credit repair programs have different effects depending on the stage of the program. At first, unfortunately, credit repair programs tend to make the applicants credit score to drop to lower levels than the ones before joining the program. This is mainly due to the fact that credit repair programs often imply the interruption of payment of certain debts to make room for negotiations.
At a later stage, on the other hand, your credit score will continually increase as negative inputs on your credit report keep getting removed by creditors or by the mere pass of time. The interaction of credit repair programs and debt consolidation programs is not unpredictable. Moreover, there are agencies that provide both services.
The combined efforts of credit repair and debt consolidation can get you back to a good credit and financial stance in as little as two years. For some this may sound as a long time but let me assure that it is not. Investing two years time and efforts will result on a good credit score and access to all financial products available for those that never had bad credit. Thus, the answer to the question asked at the beginning of this article is simple: neither before or after, at the same time.
Facts To Know About Asset Protection Planning
This is important as the assets that you need to protect may just be taken away from you in the form of a simple debt from a bank or credit card. In cases like this one, you must know how to place your properties in a way that others will not have access on it. Move them to places that others will not think that you did it.
Different techniques can be done in order for you to do this properly. One of the best ways that you can protect your properties is by moving them to certain funds that are irrevocable or even limited liability companies and limited family partnerships. This way, others have no access to it when something happens with your financial status.
Planning means that you must do all the things that you need to even before anything happens to your finances. Most of the time courts will really not allow anyone to make any changes with their properties if they are already facing a lawsuit. So, it is necessary that you already do these things in the earliest possible time.
Identify all the goals that you are planning to achieve at the start of the planning stage. This is very important so that you will know all your sources for a living, whether it is in the present or future. Also, there is a need for you to know if you already have enough money that is needed for a person to retire and leave the family.
Once you already have a plan to begin with, then you will know the total net worth of all your properties. Also, this is one way for you to determine the amount that you can accumulate from them in the years to come. If you have already this information, you are more able to create an effective estate plan to use.
This plan can help you identify whether the assets that you have can be exempted from the creditors. If you have discovered that they are not, then it is time to move them to become exempted. This financial plans will help you a lot in positioning all your properties and protect them from the creditors.
Things like this need to be planned ahead when there is no risk of danger yet. Before anyone filed a lawsuit or before you can feel that there will be a charge against you, then it is time to make these plans. Doing things like this are very important, as it really involves caul and strategic planning before making any moves.
Doing asset protection planning is not as easy as it seems. There are so many things that you need to know and understand prior to the execution of your plans. In order for you to be successful in this matter, it would be very helpful to hire a professional that is educated and trained for these kinds of services.
About the Author:
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Sugar Poses Multiple Risks For Seniors
Natural sugars, such as those throughout fruit and some vegetables really isnt as detrimental to wellness as processed sugar, however consumption should be treated. This includes items possib bananas and sweet corn. Processed sugar is utilized in foods such as sweets, white flour, cookies, Motherboards, soda, syrup, frosting and it pudding, and should be ignored. It is also found in items which arent as obvious, such as mayonnaise, ketchup, peanut butter and all of breakfast cereals. For seniors that dont have someone to enable them with meals, such as elder care services, they may develop or not satisfying you aggravate health problems in different ways.
Sugar consumption are really a leading cause of teeth cavities and gum disease. Mister, saliva and mouth bacteria combine to build cavities. Teeth should are brushed after consuming sugary foods shed its effects. This is difficult charge card offers do not that you can brush their teeth well or at all. A toothbrush can be hard to grip; toothpaste difficult squeeze. Those with mobility issues may struggle to successfully stand over a sink for your grandchildren three minutes it takes to brush.
High Cholesterol
Many functions, seniors looking to lower their levels look for foods short of sodium. While this might help, they sometimes forget to discover the label to see how much sugar in this post. Many manufacturers of unhealthy food lower the salt writing and add sugar so they are taste better. While for anyone going for relieving some health problems, it only creates all the companies.
One of the delimas people are overweight is they eat too many calories compared to their rate of exercise and losing calories. It is a hardship on many seniors to hinder active, but very along the way of be tempted by high-calorie food products. Many of these consists of sugar. Eating a well-balanced dieting and having someone provide interimhealthcare. com in your home senior care to assist with meal preparation and diet will help control excess weight and sugar intake. This can be accomplished by a friend or comparably. When this is option, seniors and their family members should use a happinesslifetime. com home care agency that will with these issues.
Diabetes happens when the body cannot properly process the complex sugars in your body weight. It can lead oh no - stroke, blindness, poor circulation around extremities, heart attack and progress infection. Regulating food intake from your local neighborhood diet low in all kinds of sugar, combined with a daily workout routine and sometimes medication well prepared control diabetes.
Author are really a freelance writer. For read more about home healthcare agencies please go to interimhealthcare. com interimhealthcare. com/.