Tuesday, February 25, 2014
3 Non BBB Accredited Unsecured Personal Loan Lenders That You Can Consider When Your Credit Is Bad
Many who are in need of financial assistance have experienced the same obstacle - which is their own bad credit history, and this is the main reason most lenders reject their personal loan application. Besides that, the success rate of getting such loans is much lower when those applicants do not put up collateral to their loan application. Although non-bank lenders would consider granting loans for applicants with low credit scores, applications from those who have critically low credit scores are likely to be rejected as lenders are not willing to bear the risks of having clients who seem to be incapable of repaying the loan as agreed.
In that case, you need to start considering non-BBB (or non-Better Business Bureau) accredited unsecured loan lenders because:
繚 They would grant loan to applicants who do not put up collateral in their application
繚 They would consider applicants who have extremely bad credit scores
繚 They claimed they are offering fast loan approval
繚 They received satisfactory BBB ratings (although they are not BBB accredited)
繚 They need a co-signer to support your application if your low salary earnings
繚 They would not charge any upfront fees for their loan lending service
Here are the non-BBB accredited unsecured loan lenders as follows:
1. MoneyNowUSA.com (BBB rating: A): They claimed that they provide fast application processing time, which is approximately 90 seconds, and approving unsecured loans to successful applicants within less than an hour. Most important thing is those who are applying for a larger loan amount - i.e. more than $1,000; they would probably need to apply more than once. Please take note that their loan lending service is not applicable for applicants from Arizona, Georgia, Virginia and West Virginia.
2. DrCredit.com (BBB rating: A-): The most attractive point of their loan lending service that their applicants would be given four loan offers within 24 hours. In addition, successful applicants would receive a free membership to their "CreditCounselor Financial Network".
3. CreditLoan.com (BB rating: B-): They are actually a loan company which represents a group of legitimate non-bank lenders, and offering unsecured loan amount with the range $250-$2,500 for applicants with bad credit history. The total loan amount is determined based on the loan term and their applicants creditworthiness.
Bear in mind that the total cost loan (including high interest rate) would be high if you have bad credit history. You are advised to request free quotes from these lenders above before you start applying. Make sure that you are able to choice the right unsecured loan deal according to your current financial situation.