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Main Activities Of Investment Banking

* Investment banking and corporate finance) is the traditional investment banks, which also involves helping clients to raise funds in capital markets and advising on mergers and acquisitions (mergers and acquisitions). This can be imposed on investors, the issuance of Security, in coordination with the bidders, or negotiating with the goal of integration. Last term of the Division on Investment banking and corporate finance, advisory group is often called the mergers and acquisitions. Create a book where the information is in the banks financial market to the meter and the potential customer, if the pitch is successful, the Bank arrange the deal for customers. Divided into general and the investment banking division (IBD) in the coverage of industry groups and product coverage. Industry coverage groups focus on a particular sector, such as health, industrial, technology, and maintaining relationships with the companies in this industry to achieve in the business for a bank. Groups of product coverage to focus on financial products, such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, project finance and asset finance leasing, structured finance, and restructuring of equity and debts are high quality and work in cooperation with industry groups on the more complex needs, and specialized client.

Sales and Trade: On behalf of the Bank and its clients, the function of a large investment bank in the first place to sell products. Market makers and traders buy and sell financial products to the growing amount of money on each trade. Sales is a sales force in the investment bank, which is important to appeal to institutions and high net worth investors to trade ideas for the proposal (in the warning based on the buyers responsibility), and take orders. Contact sales offices and customer orders for the offices the right brand name, which can price and execute trades, or structure new products that fit a specific need. Restructuring activity is relatively recent derivatives also comes in play, with the staff a high degree of technical writing and arithmetic to create complex structured products which typically offer much greater margins of securities and cash infrastructure.
In 2010, and investment banks came under pressure due to the sale of complex derivatives to municipalities in Europe and the United States of America [2] strategic advice. Follows the external and internal clients on the strategies in different markets. Starting from derivatives to specific industries, companies and industries strategic place in a quantitative framework with full consideration of the macroeconomic scene. This strategy is often the way the company will operate in the market, and the direction it will take in terms of their flow, and sales staff to offer suggestions to customers as well as how structurers create new products. Banks also have to take risks through their own trade, conducted by a private group of traders who interact with customers and through the "main risk" risks undertaken by the dealer after you buy or sell the product to the customer and not hedge his total exposure. Banks seek to maximize the profitability of a certain amount of risk on the balance sheet of their own. The need for numerical ability in sales and trading has created jobs for physics, mathematics and engineering doctoral degrees and quantitative analysts.

* Search is the division which reviews companies and writes reports on their prospects, often with "buy" or "sell" ratings. While the research department may or may not generate income (on the basis of policies in different banks), and the resources that are used to assist in marketing and sales force in suggesting ideas to clients and investment banks by giving their customers. Research also works with external customers investment advice (such as institutional investors and high net worth individuals) in the hope that they are represented by these customers and sales marketing ideas of the Commercial Bank Run, and theore revenue for the company. There is a potential conflict of interest between investment banking and analysis, and analysis was published that could affect the banks profits. Even in recent years has become the relationship between investment banking and research is very organized, a Chinese wall between public and private employment.